Early Summer 2011

Early Summer 2011
Early Summer 2011

Useful Things I've Learned So Far

  1. Plant beans where your cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower used to be to replace the nitrogen in the soil.  All beans grow easily from seed.
  2. Plant all cabbage family plants in the same spot for no more than 2 years.
  3. Prune every other branch on your tomato plants to increase the number of tomatoes you get.
  4. Plant a pruned tomato plant branch in another spot.  Give it a couple of weeks, and you'll have a brand new tomato plant.
  5. Pole beans are a great way to keep your tomato plants on a trellis.  A trellis makes it easy to fit a lot of tomato plants into a small space.
  6. Basil grows from seed very easily.  Plant basil seed around every tomato plant for pest control.
  7. Tomato plants can be seeded directly into garden soil--no need to spend so much money on tomato plants except for a few to get started early.
  8. Cucumbers grow very easily from seed too.
  9. Peppers and corn do not grow easily from seed.
  10. Watermelons don't survive transplanting.
  11. Plant cabbage and brussel sprouts early because they take a long time to mature.
  12. Peas don't produce well when we have a hot Spring, so it would be better to pull them up and replace them than to keep hoping for a crop.

Memorial Day Harvest

Memorial Day Harvest
5 grocery bags of lettuce, 5 bellies full of beets, and 5 months of spring onions