Early Summer 2011

Early Summer 2011
Early Summer 2011

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Cousins & Zucchini....

So, I'm enjoying my 2nd annual Cousins' Reunion at my cousin's place in the mountains yesterday. My cousin and his girlfriend arrive bearing a huge amount of yellow squash and zucchini and even a cucumber from his Mom's garden, and I'm immediately jealous. My cousin (and my sister of the heart) gets that gleam in her eye and starts planning what she's going to can with it all, and I realize that I'm having dinner with a Southern States store owner and a County Extension Agent. Woohoo! I'm finally able to ask someone who might know WHY my zucchini plant hasn't produced anything yet and the blossoms keep falling off.....here are the answers I heard.

"What'd you plant it in? Potting mix?"
"Well, how 'bout phosphorous?"
"Actually, my specialty is animals, so I'd have to look this one up."
"The old people would tell you that you planted it during the wrong phase of the moon."
"Honestly, I think you should just ask Momma."

So, I took the Extension Agent's recommendation and looked it up....the answer is that the blossoms that have fallen off are male blossoms, and the blossoms still on the plant are most likely female blossoms.

Here's a wonderful resource: http://www.gardeningknowhow.com/vegetable/why-zucchini-blossoms-fall-off-the-plant.htm

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Memorial Day Harvest

Memorial Day Harvest
5 grocery bags of lettuce, 5 bellies full of beets, and 5 months of spring onions